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Become a Sustaining Member

For as little as $10 a month, you will enjoy the benefit of never having to remember to renew your membership. Your ongoing donation helps the club pay for its month-to-month recurring memberships, such as webhosting, subscriptions, and more. Sustaining Members will also receive special recognition at club events.

If you’d like to become a sustaining member and help out the club on an ongoing basis, please donate using the link below. On the Act Blue donation page, just click on the “Yes, count me in!” button under “Make it Monthly.”

Act Blue Sustaining Member Link

A Huge Thanks to These Sustaining Members

Ihsan Baha
John Cotter
Charles Crews
Cameron Davis
Ronnie Harrison
Wm Hunn
Carolyn P Riggs
Veronica Rivas-Molloy


Humble Area Democrats invite you to join our mission to educate, motivate, and increase Democratic voter turnout throughout the area. Become a Member and add your voice to the cause of Democracy.


Are you passionate about keeping Harris County blue and turning Texas Blue? If so, volunteer to help us make Texas a better place. Fill out our Volunteer Form now and get Involved.


Whether through block walks, phone banks, literature drops, or text messaging, we want to get out the vote. Your donation will enable us to execute our Grassroots Organizing plan.


Keep up-to-date by subscribing to HAD's Newsletter, distributed monthly, with mid-month updates as needed. Get breaking news, meeting info/speaker, and RSVP links.