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Get Involved

Are you passionate about keeping Harris County blue and turning Texas blue? Are you tired of conservative agendas derailing progress? Do you want to stop the right-wing extremism in our state? If so, here are some ways you can get started with Humble Area Democrats.

Ready, Set, Go!!

We happily welcome all progressive-minded Democrats and Independents, regardless of where you live. Becoming a member allows you to vote on how the club operates and its direction, and your membership dues power the club’s mission to educate and motivate, increasing Democratic voter turnout throughout the Humble Area..

Membership Dues cover the calendar year (Jan 1-Dec 31), with discounted options for July through September.

Membership Dues

Full Time Student – $5
Individual – $20
Family/Household Membership (single fee for multiple members in the same household) – $30
Sustaining Member: $120 ($10 a month or $120 a year, continuing year to year. Cancel at any time.)

Discounted Dues July through September:

Individual – $12
Family/Household Membership – $18

End of year Membership:

Join October through December and dues cover the current year and the upcoming year.
Full Time Student – $5
Individual – $20
Family/Household Membership – $30
Sustaining Member: $120 ($10 a month or $120 a year, continuing year to year. Cancel at any time.)

View Our Current Sustaining Members

There are so many ways that you can help us make Texas a better place. If you’d like to get involved, even if you’ve never done any of these activities before, fill out the Volunteer Form and let us know what activities you’d be most comfortable tackling. We are always eager to train new volunteers.

Click Here to Fill Out the Volunteer Form

We have big plans to extend our grassroots organizing throughout the Humble area this election season. Whether through block walks, phone banks, literature drops, or text messaging, we want to get out the vote. In order to fully execute our plan, however, we need funding.

We endeavor to make the best use of all funds received by the club. Here are a few examples of our club expenses:

  • literature and supplies for block walkers
  • water and snacks for block walkers
  • online ads and promotions
  • printing and postage
  • web-hosting and domain registration
  • rental space for monthly in-person meetings or Zoom subscription for virtual meetings
Click Here to Donate to Humble Area Democrats

Want to get the latest breaking news, meeting information, speaker schedules, an RSVP for meeting attendance, and more?

Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter, with mid-month updates as needed. 

Click Here to Subscribe